How do I get national press coverage?
Jun 03, 2024
Perseverance pays off in PR
I am featured in July's Good Housekeeping magazine, something I've dreamt of since I first started buying the mag when Prince William married Kate.
I haven't been trying to feature in Good Housekeeping for ALL of that time, but I have sent in a number of pitches, press releases and general communications over the last few years, including going to a GH Live event, introducing myself to a panel of very well-known authors and asking a question, which was nerve wracking but also got me noticed.
When the GH team wanted to do a feature on creativity for the July issue, the Features Editor got in touch with me and, after a fabulous, fun photo shoot and a chat with the writer over the phone, a really lovely article was created.
But how did it get to that point? How did I have the editor coming to me to invite me to be featured?
- Perseverance
- Targeting wisely
- Keeping in touch
Don’t be put off when you don’t receive replies to emails.
It doesn’t mean what you are offering is not interesting to the media, it may just not be interesting right now.
Journalists have tight deadlines and receive lots of approaches, and they just don’t have the time to reply to them all.
Every journalist I have met has told me that they don’t mind you chasing, continuing to communicate with them (within reason), so don’t send just one email and assume they are not interested. Give it a few weeks and send a reminder. It does no harm!
Target wisely
It may sound obvious, but, approach specific journalists and publications with stories or topics that they and their audiences are interested in.
As a podcaster I have people writing to me to tell me how great they’d be as a guest on my show when they obviously haven’t listened to it or have any idea of what the basic premise it – it’s pretty Ronseal, all you have to do is look at my cover art to know what the show is all about.
It’s the same with a magazine like Good Housekeeping, or Woman’s Own, or GQ, or Country and Town House (which Creativity Found has also been in by the way!). You’ve got to show them something their audience will connect with.
The last pitch I sent to GH was about my solo trip to the US, aged 52, and how I was wary but also brave to do that. I’m a woman, of a certain age, doing something out of my comfort zone and quite exciting, that other women would be interested to read about and perhaps be inspired by – which is why it got picked up by Woman’s Own (June 11th).
Keep in touch
Don’t think that every communication you make with a journalist has to involve a pitch or a press release. If you have read something interesting about that person, maybe seen something on their social media that has relevance you personally, have a chat with them about it.
For example, Gaby Hudart, Editorial Director at GH, had announced she was leaving the role, and posted about her last day on her socials. I commented that I had always appreciated that Gaby would answer my emails, even though she didn’t know me from Adam, to which she sent a very nice reply.
Remember that journalists are human beings, and connect with them on a personal as well as a ‘look at me’ way. You’ll make a good impression and be remembered when a suitable feature or article needs writing, and they’ll ask you to comment.
Keep the faith!
So, if you’ve been trying to get your small business featured in the press but so far have had no luck, try not to feel too disillusioned. Put those big-girl (or boy) pants on and keep going.
I know its time-consuming, and sometimes soul-destroying, but if you don’t do it then the only guarantee is that you will never be featured.
Creativity Found Collective
The Creativity Found Collective is a promotional and networking membership for artists and crafters who share their creative skills with grown-ups through workshops, online courses, products or subscriptions. It is also a membership for business-support enterprises who use their expertise to help those artists and crafters to grow their businesses.
We promote their offerings on the website and connect them with a network of like-minded business owners.
All of this is backed up by the Creativity Found podcast, in which I chat with grown-ups who have found or re-found their creativity later in life.
You can find out more about the Creativity Found Collective membership here.
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