£50.00 GBP

Podcast Startup Sanity Check

A one-hour chat with Claire to clarify and simplify the process of starting your own podcast. 

We can talk through:

  • Your content idea
  • How to record
  • What platforms are worth the money
  • How to get your show to all the listening apps
  • What you need to know to futureproof your show
  • How to make transcripts and chapters
  • . . . and more.

Please note, I will NOT tell you how to have a chart-topping show in your first week, nor how to pitch to sponsors.

I will act as a mentor whom you can run your ideas and questions past. The decisions you make with the knowledge you gain are all your own. 

You will receive access to my diary to book a date and time, followed by an email explaining what happens next.

We will meet on Riverside, the remote recording platform that I use for all of my podcast recordings.